Yang Long nutrified a year of tricks, I want to toss into a sea tank, and the coral fish is raised. I dont want to play FOT, but I dont know if this idea can be. 1.The cylinder is too high, which is too high. The personal idea is to increase the fifteen centimeter by the method of paving the brick. Now the water body is 66 cm, just 50 cm, the light is enough, and the bottom overflow can be blocked.Area, convenient cylinder base sand 2.Regarding the problem of water, do you have to use pure water, I am from Xinjiang, 1.5 meters so big cylinder, if pure water is changed, it is estimated that all night is 3.I have the bottom of the cylinder bottom filter. I can satisfy the collar requirements. There are three drops boxes to just take into account these two aspects, because it is a novice, so there may be some problems that will let the gods laugh, forgive me
= (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =
Change the sea tank, cautious!Changed to buy almost
Fish friends rik244
The biggest difficulty is water cooling
Fish friends 015
The bottom filter is a problem, the egg is integrated, and the algae tank must be re-planned. Dry wet separation is greater than the harvest, the light is not good, the coral is high, and the hard bone coral must be pure water, because it is necessary to be sea water, tap waterThere is impurities in mineral water, this tank suggested pure fish, or put a big cartilage coral trial to play
Fish friends kentzhou2012
Yang Long one year, you can aesthetically fatigue?The sea water cylinder you will fatigue faster, its a month
Fish friend water screen 999
Not recommended
Fish friend?evil
Too new and old? Kentzhou2012
Yang Long one year, you can aesthetically fatigue?The sea water cylinder you will fatigue faster, its a month
Fish friend?evil
More like carpet, hate, Nile, this should be a soft bar 015
The bottom filter is a problem, the egg is egg, the algae tank is re-planning, dry and wet separation for the sea tanks, the lights are not good, the corals are high, and the corals are high.
Fish friend?evil
We will not exceed 28 degrees at room temperature, but it is time to enter the winter, heating rod basically works Rik244
The biggest difficulty is water cooling
Fish friend?evil
The bottom of the cylinder, the rest of the equipment should be summed, and the equipment is also the same as the same money, so the modified money is to reduce the water level of the cylinder, and the other should have no singular point
Change the sea tank, cautious!Changed to buy almostThe prawns feed the fish or the live feed is frozen&How to deal with fresh shrimp feeding fish~Do you use frozen skin before feeding frozen shrimp?^How to deal with fish tank water turbidity@Will feeding the brine shrimp contaminate the fish tank?%What is the parrot fish kissing?#How to disinfect frozen shrimp before feeding fish$Can dead shrimp feed fish%How to deal with moss in fish pond! Fish。